Discover the aromatic essence of the Mediterranean with our organic dried rosemary, meticulously harvested and packaged to preserve its full flavor intensity.
This 15g sachet is perfect for elevating your culinary creations and enjoying the benefits of this exceptional herb.
- Origin: Cultivated in organic farm
- Net weight: 15g
- Certification: 100% organic
- Shelf life: Up to 12 months when stored in a cool, dry place
Flavor and Usage
Our dried rosemary offers a robust, piney taste with a hint of lemon and camphor. Ideal for:
- Enhancing roasted meats, especially lamb and chicken
- Flavoring Mediterranean and Middle Eastern dishes
- Infusing oils and vinegars
- Preparing aromatic herbal teas
Health Benefits
Rosemary is renowned for its numerous beneficial properties25:
- Rich in antioxidants
- Supports digestion and liver function
- Aids in detoxification
- May improve memory and concentration
- Possesses anti-inflammatory properties
Nutritional Information
Rosemary is low in calories but rich in volatile oils, flavonoids, and phenolic acids that contribute to its health benefits.
Why Choose Our Dried Rosemary?
Superior quality, Optimal drying: Preserves essential oils and aromatic compounds
Versatility: Perfect for culinary and medicinal uses.
Known as "Ikleel al jabal" (mountain garland) in Classical Arabic and "azeer" in Moroccan Arabic, rosemary has been used in Mediterranean cuisine and traditional medicine for centuries
.Enhance your dishes with the authentic flavor and benefits of our organic dried rosemary.
Order now and experience the difference of a product grown with care and passion by our local farms in Dubai.
ملخص باللغة العربية:إكليل الجبل (الروزماري) المجفف العضوي هو عشبة عطرية قوية تضيف نكهة مميزة للأطباق. يتميز بفوائد صحية عديدة، منها دعم الهضم وحماية الكبد ومضادات الأكسدة. يزرع عضويًا في مزارعنا بدبي، ويأتي في عبوة 15 جرام مثالية للاستخدام في الطهي والشاي. يحافظ على جودته لمدة تصل إلى 12 شهرًا عند تخزينه بشكل صحيح. اختيار مثالي لتحسين مذاق أطباقك ودعم صحتك بطريقة طبيعية.